About Chapters

We started SWE++ to provide the girls in our community a opportunity to explore something new, however our vision was much broader than just impacting our local community. SWE++ is about encouraging young women engineers and bridging the gender gap. In an attempt to widen our impact, we have expanded to 2 new SWE sections! This semester, we are currently working with San Jose State University and Santa Clara University to help develop similar programs in both schools. For more information, contact ucb.swe.plusplus@gmail.com!

San Jose State University

SJSU has worked really hard this semester to get their program up and running. Much like our program, they will be teaching Scratch and Python for 9 weeks. Currently, there have 17 girls in their program along with 5 wonderful instructors that are excited to start their program which will run from February 23rd to April 20th. If you are interested, please contact Hibo Osman at hibo.osman@sjsu.edu.

Santa Clara University

SCU is just getting started and is currently working through the logistics to have a SWE++ program setup for next semester. Currently, they have 10 instructors excited to get their program up and running. They are anticipating on starting by the end of March and will be opening applications shortly. If you are interested, please contact them at scu.swe.plus@gmail.com.